
With decades of battle-tested teaching experience, curriculum modeled to meet or exceed the best certifications in each area, the ability to use clients own data in the training as examples, along with our proprietary active learning games and toys, those you trust us to train will be in the best of the best of hands. Let us show you examples and references. Every single engagement is a new opportunity for us to surpass every expectation.

Six sigma

Developed at Motorola in the 1980s, six sigma is a collection of tools and techniques used in a systematic fashion to improve processes. There are various levels of six sigma certification, white belt for familiarity, yellow belt for support team, green belt for team members, black belt for project leaders, and even blue belts for executives. Each belt has a certain amount of training and a certain mix of skills necessary, and we are able to customize our curriculum to meet or exceed any certification that we know of. We are better than others at teaching the most difficult aspects of six sigma, and all of our engagements have active learning games and toys built in.   

Project Management

Projects are temporary endeavors taken by a person or people to accomplish a certain goal. There are many examples of projects both in industry as well as everyday life. Building a bridge or putting on a large music concert like preparing for a trip in our personal lives, require certain steps to be accomplished in a particular sequence. Our curriculum is designed to meet or exceed the best certifications that there are, using customized data from our clients. Software is needed for this in practice, and we can use either commercial software if our client has access, or an open source alternative if they do not. We tend to emphasize risk and reaction to uncertainty more than other trainers, something we see as essential and differentiating. Like everything that we do, active learning will anchor insight in the minds of participants for years to come.